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Student Code of Conduct

The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) is to explain what action the University may take if a student displays unacceptable behaviour that is not in line with the standards we have set out. Every student at the university is held accountable to this Code of Conduct, so it is important you read and understand it.

The University will take a robust and fair approach to investigating any allegations of unacceptable behaviour that may breach the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic).

What do we mean by unacceptable behaviour? Some examples are:

• The use of physical violence or force, either threatened or actual.
• Harassment, bullying and victimisation.
• Possession, use or supply of illegal drugs.
• Unauthorised use of, theft of, or damage to, University property or premises.
• Sexual misconduct.

You are responsible for making yourself familiar with the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic) and all policies and regulations applicable to you.


If a student is found to have breached the Student Code of Conduct (Non-Academic), which of the following could occur?

The application of conditions on your remaining time at the University (such as limiting access to specific activities or parts of the University)

Compensation for damage caused or a fine

A written warning

Suspension or expulsion from the university

All of the above

Check answers

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